Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 22

Weigh day - 267lbs up 3lbs
Tomorrow is pay day and I get to go grocery shopping and stock up on a variety of veggies. I haven't been eating horribly over or over eating but there has been a lack of veggies which has not made my intestinal track happy. Today was really busy in class. I was on the move all day. Then I came home to clean since my daughter is at her grandmother's for the night. I am really tired now but its too early to go to bed. So here is today's intake:

B - 1/2 grilled chicken wrap and a peach
S - 2C of salad and 1oz of turkey
L - 2C of chili
S - 1C l/f cottage cheese and peaches
D - Thai sticks and the meat in the wantons from the wanton soup.
S - pecan pie is I get the room or don't fall asleep first

Took a step back but plan a quick u turn. Blessings

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