Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 19 & 20 & 21

Where does the time go. Okay I do know the answer to that. Dealing with stupid best buy and my new computer already having issues and having to exchange it for a new one that I will pick up when Joy is done with her nap. Okay so my food has still been off the mark. We had a teacher luncheon on friday so I had a lil of this and that. It wasn't a great pot luck so it was real easy not to go off the deep end. Yesterday started well with egg on toast and lunch was 1/2 grilled chicken wrap from chick fil a. Had beans and rice for dinner. I can't wait until payday to get some new food in the house. Today's intake.
B - chicken and bean quesadilla
S - 1oz chicken breast and 1c asian veggies
L - beans and smoked turkey, salad with avocado and tzatziki
S - 1C l/f cottage cheese and peaches (had help eating it)
D - will be shrimp pasta from Marie Callendars and probably some pie.

Tomorrow is weigh day and I have no idea which way that scale is going to move. Just taking some steps. Blessings

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