Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 11

Mid-week weigh day - 263 - down 1lb.
I was surprised to see another pound gone but I thought I had kind of screwed up the plan. So we will see what happens come Monday. Today was a bit backwards for me. I was starving early in the day and stuffed at the later part. I'm glad not to want to do late night eating. Today's intake:
B - green smoothie and buttered toast
S - 1C of beans and smoked turkey
L & D Got a 1/2 and 1/2 from togo's ate the 4"turkey on wheat with avacado for lunch and ate the cobb salad minus their dressing put 2tbl of tzatziki..
S - after lunch snack was l/f cottage cheese and necterine.

sweets - 2 or 3 nips and 1 lindor truffle. I also had a handful of pepitas and a handful of popcorn.

Stepping forward again. Blessings

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