Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 6

I have a hard time with my eating on nights and weekends. As much as I am busy having a 2 year old there is always time to think about food and grab something. Our sleeping pattern is a bit off and so was my eating in terms of following my new nutrition plan. Here's the intake for the day.
B - 2 eggs (over med no oil) on dry toast and 1/2 apple
S - 1oz grilled porkchop with 1C stirfry veggies
L - 2C white of beans w/a lil smoked turkey. I have been on plans where beans are vegitables and others its a protein. The nutritionist doesn't consider them a complete protein so I am suppose to have some meat or have it with quinoa for a complete protein. Since I don't have any in the house right now and lunch is just suppose to be protein, veg and a fat, I just improvised. I needed to get out to run an errand and I didn't want to grab junk out.
S - I honestly don't remember having one because the lunch was eaten late in the day.
D - Salad - 1oz of grilled pork chop, 1oz montery jack, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, kidney beans, celery, purple cabbage, 2tbl avacado, tomato and tzatziki for dressing.
Sweets - 1 lindor truffle, 1/2 short bread cookie, 1/4C of chocolate ice cream with some almond milk.

1 more day until weigh-in and I have to say I am nervous.

Another step foward. Blessings

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