Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 9

The scale does two things for me. Makes me elated or makes me sabotage myself. I think that I have a fear of losing my weight. I was abused and some part of me thinks that I think it is protection from further abuse. This is one of the main reasons I am in therapy. So right on schedule I weighed, had a good result and them started eating poorly. This leads me to today's intake:
B - green smoothie and buttered toast
S - romaine lettuce and tzatziki sauce
L - chicken tortilla soup with added thigh meat and zucchini
S - 1 nectarine, 1oz buffalo jerky, 1 light babybel cheese and a handful of pepitas
D - omelet - 1 whole egg and 2 whites sausage mushrooms and onion with 1sl 2% american and 1/2C of potatoes.

sweets: 1 100 cal peanut butter kudos and 1 lindor truffle.

I am going to get my act together and stop the mindless hand to mouth.

Still stepping forward. Blessings

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