Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 4 and 5

Okay day 4 and 5 are late because I had to take my daughter to the emergency room for a severe break out on day 4. Day 5 we were catching up on sleep. Plus my hard drive is taking a dive and I had to rush to back up and save everything. Thank goodness for the work computer. The best thing about day 4, is what I relized on day 5, which was I did without sweets for an entire day. I didn't think about them or crave them at all and didn't even realize it. Now this is not a major celebration because I bought 2 cookies the next day. But baby steps is how I'm walking this path and I just turned a corner. So here is my intake for day 4.
B - green smoothie (vanilla carb master yogurt, 1/2C vanilla almond milk, 1 banana, handful of spinach, 1C of water, and 1tlb flax oil) and 1 sl of toast w/1tsp of butter.
S - 1oz grilled lemon pepper chicken and 1C homemade vegitable soup.
L - 1 small pepperoni, mushroom and olive calzone with marinera (sp)
S - 1C l/f cottate chesse and 1/2 necterine
D - 2C of white beans and 1oz of smoked turkey.
S - 1 light baby bel cheese

Day 5 the food is just what it is and that's all I can say about that.
B - green smoothie (strawberry/banana carb master yogurt, 1C water, handful of spinach, 1/2 c vanilla almond milk and 1 banana) and 1 blueberry bagel w/ light cream cheese.
S - egg souffle with cheese spinach and bacon
L - 3 oz of grilled pork chop. I was still a bit full from the snack so I didn't eat my soup.
S - 1sl bread, 1 wedge of laughing cow light blue cheese, 1tbl of avacado and 1oz turkey breast.
D - 1 black bean and cheese burrito with light sour cream.
I also ate over the course of my work day 1 toffee cookie. I have a short bread cookie for the weekend although I will have help with eating it. This is how pathetic I am. After I bought the toffee cookie I discovered it had brazil nuts and my daughter can't have nuts. This was my excuse to eat the entire 4" cookie myself and not bring it home. How sad is that? I could have saved some for another day but no the whole thing went down. Can we say Food Addict? It is who I am and it is important that I recognize addictive behavior. It lends to all of the food I bought yesterday and the amount of carbs consumed. It was strickly a comfort thing.
So the journey goes on. A few stubles twists and turns but still moving foward. 2 more days until I can see the scale. It's killing me but I have to keep my word not to weight any sooner then monday morning.

Another step closer. Blessings

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