Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 3

So today I finally had a breakfast that not only had me full but I couldn't finish it. I made a green smoothie ( green from spinach) and toast. It was so good I will be repeating it tomorrow. Backing up to last night though I blew it. I am suppose to have my last snack at 9pm (if needed) with an 11pm bed time. The first night I did fine. Last night the night hungers got me and I had 2 light baby bel cheeses before I went to bed. I would like to hope not to repeat this behavior but hey I'm taking it in baby steps and trying not to beat myself up about it. So here is today's intake.
Breakfast - Green smoothie (almond milk, carb master vanilla yogurt, 1 banana, spinach and flax oil. 1 sl toast w/ tsp of butter
Snack - jicama and tzatziki sauce
Lunch - 3 C vegitable soup with 3 oz of grilled lemon pepper chicken
Snack - 1oz elk, 1oz turkey and a pluot
Dinner - 3 oz orange chicken, 1/2 C fried rice (I made with no oil gotta love nonstick skillets) and 2C stirfried veggies (couldn't eat it all)
Snack - salami and 1 light laughing cow blue cheese wedge.

For my sweet tooth 2 lindor truffles spread out over the day.

And another day forward. Blessings

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