Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 14

Even when I am trying to do right by my food, I have issues. I went out to harvest spinach and swiss chard from my garden to make an asian vegetable soup. After I removed the chard from the stalk I discovered a cricket or grass hopper on one of the leaves. Before I could take it outside it hopped and landed right in my dish water to its death. I was devastated. I abhor killing God's creatures senselessly. Don't get me wrong I believe in survival of the fittest, but still. I did get my soup made but this has bothered me all day. So today's intake is made up of emotional eating and sabotage.
B - 1 egg w/2% american cheese and 3 sl of dry salami on dry toast and 1/2 pear
S - asian vegitable soup and 1oz of turkey
L - crab cake and salad
S - 2 chicken nuggets (joy didn't eat for her lunch) and other 1/2 of pear, plus the rest of my cake and pecan bar and a fiber bar. Not all at once but all between lunch and dinner.
D - 3oz roasted chicken mozzarella and spinach ravioli with extra spinach and some green beans.
S - who knows I'm really full right now.

Today was a step back which figures since I'm suppose to weigh tomorrow. Blessings

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