Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 7 & 8

Okay clearly I can't keep my days straight. Now that I have my new computer I hope to keep up. So Sunday was day 7 and it is a blur. I don't really remember the food, but I can say I stuck to the program for the most part and where I didn't it was eating less than I was suppose to.

Day 8 - weigh day - current weight 264 - loss of 7lbs.

Yes I loss 7lbs on the first week of the program. I am cautiously thrilled because I was on my cycle and I know part was water elimination so lets just say that this week will be more of a test for me. Today's intake

B - Green smoothie w/strawberry banana yogurt and 1 sl of toast w/ butter
S - broccoli soup and 1oz of sausage
L - Veggie salad w/tzatziki
S - 1 sm slim jim 1/2C of l/f cottage cheese 1/2 necterine
D - 1 meatloaf slider, spinach and some chicken thigh (did not sit well with my tummy)
S - will probably have a lil something because I picked at dinner.

And several steps closer with only 23lbs to first goal. Blessings

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