Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 15

Weigh Day - 264lbs No change from a week ago (relieved)

I did so much sabotage over the weekend that I am relieved to only have gain the extra lb that was off midweek. I have to better on the weekends and I will. So yesterdays intake was more on track.
B - 1/2 turkey sand from togo's and 1/2 of necterine.
S - 1C Asian vegitable soup and 1oz turkey
L - Alaskan Seafood Salad w/ green salad
S - 1c l/f cottage cheese and 1/2 necterine
D - 2C Asian vegitables w/3oz chicken and vegitables.
S - 1/4 of an individual peach pie and vanilla ice cream

Back on track. Blessings

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