Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 12

I went to therapy today and w3as asked what I get out of sabotaging my weight loss. So I will be pondering this. I also talked about the fact that I don't want to be able to make excuses or have her (therapist) make them for me. An addict knows how to do that all too well. I really do like her this is just our third session but she really makes me think. As for todays intake:
B - 1/2 ham egg and cheese croissant and a necterine
S - salad w/turkey
L - split pea soup, it had too much potato and carrot so I tried to pick around it and get the soup and ham
S - alligator jerky string cheese and necterine
D - 2" of a philly cheese chicken sand and cesar salad w/2 strips of chicken 1tsp of dressing. didn't eat enough but dinner was too close to the snack

Sweets - donut holes (had a craving for a glazed donut) 2 bites of my daughter's ice cream cone.

Continuing foward bound. Blessings

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